
Friday 21 May 2021

Diary Entry ( Christians Suffers ) - By Giselle

 Dear Diary....

I was in my class presenting a piece of work I had done, not able to finish my sentence. A bomb went off, the explosion consuming a third of the classroom. Children were running as they scream in fear, I was able to escape. I was running towards the exit as a tear had fled from my eye but the look of surprise has not uncommon upon my face, as this well known bombing happens...constantly.

I run and run, as houses collapse,guns go off and bombed cars erupt. I make my way back home, the looks of happiness and the tears of relief appear on my family's faces when they see me safe and clean of pain. I sit down in the corner of the house writing in my diary. It helps me to stay calm as I know their is horror outside of these walls.

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