
Monday, 3 July 2017

The ugly Duckling

Made with Padlet

Mangroves - By Giselle

Learning Intention: W.A.L.T - write a report.
Success Criteria: I know I am successful when I can write a report about mangroves.

  Mangroves are plants that can survive in salty water.

Image result for mangroves trees Small fish, tad poles, can be found in Mangroves. Fiddler crabs live in the roots of the Mangroves. Eels can be found Mangroves.

The leaves of mangroves stop the fish from going bad in the sun. They have a store house for food.
Mangroves will always take care of the sea.

Jesus showed Respect Tapu in people- By Giselle

Learning Intention: W.A.L.T - identify ways Jesus show respect.
Success Criteria I know I am successful I can draw a picture of a Jesus showing his respect to a leper.

Jesus respected the tapu of the leper by showing Pono( integrity) and showing Aroha, (love) he heal the leper.

Fish For Breakfast -By GIselle

Learning Intention: W.A.L.T -retell one of the after Easter stories.  Success Criteria: I am successful when I can retell one after Easter stories by drawing comic strips.  
1.Peter, John, and James went fishing all night they caught  nothing.
2.There was a guy on the shore, He told the disciples to throw there net on the side of the boat.
 4.They caught lots of fish, Peter knew it was Jesus. 
5.Peter  swam towards Jesus.
6. The disciples had fish with Jesus, for breakfast.