
Friday, 21 May 2021

Diary Entry ( Christians Suffers ) - By Giselle

 Dear Diary....

I was in my class presenting a piece of work I had done, not able to finish my sentence. A bomb went off, the explosion consuming a third of the classroom. Children were running as they scream in fear, I was able to escape. I was running towards the exit as a tear had fled from my eye but the look of surprise has not uncommon upon my face, as this well known bombing happens...constantly.

I run and run, as houses collapse,guns go off and bombed cars erupt. I make my way back home, the looks of happiness and the tears of relief appear on my family's faces when they see me safe and clean of pain. I sit down in the corner of the house writing in my diary. It helps me to stay calm as I know their is horror outside of these walls.

Friday, 14 May 2021

A Yellow Umbrella - By Giselle

                A Yellow Umbrella

A flood of mixed emotions has come upon me. I gave him my umbrella, no words came out of my mouth just a friendly smile, though in my head that's not what I'm feeling. What a terrible person am I, I came in to this attic thinking I would just get my umbrella and get out taking my bad intentions with me, instead I learnt a valuable lesson on being grateful. I apologized to him with a stuttering voice, I expected no forgiveness, his heart was so pure, humble, kind and loving. My eyes glistened and sparkled when I heard him say... "I Forgive You." 

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

A Sailing Experience - By Giselle

                                  A Sailing Experience 

May 10th 2021 was the day we got to experience the wonders of sailing. Straight off the bat I would like to thank St. Johns Rotary and Yachting New Zealand for their sponsorship that made this day happen. 

Arriving at our destination and stepping out of the bus we were instantly greeted by one of the instructors. He walked us to the assigned place where we were to assemble our boats. A tricky challenge but it was fun.

 Straight after assembling our boats, we ate and got changed into our swimmers. We were provided a warm jacket as well as life jacket for our session.  They were comfortable and did the job they were made for.

We departed from shore and sailed into the deeper water.  Putting my hand in the water i felt it clash with current. Asinate (my partner) and I  always laughed at all the mess ups we had, especially round 2 in the water. I pushed our boat off shore and we attempted to get in but we failed when our boat tipped over.  We were laughing because it was so funny and we were enjoying ourselves. After sailing the boat around we headed back to shore and once again our boat tipped over. 

Finally, once we got to the shore, we got changed and returned the jacket and life jacket. We said our final goodbye and Thank you to the instructors. Returning to school, in my head, I was telling myself what a wonderful experience the day had been.

                                          Showing our skills!

                   Trying to figure out how to assemble the sail            
        Say cheese ( picture time)
       Meeting the Instructors

Friday, 7 May 2021

Diary Entry - By Giselle

This is a diary entry I have written in response  to a short animated movie we are studying for literature.


Dear Diary...

I close my eyes, scared to open them as my tears may gush out like a waterfall. I hear the tires bumping on the rocky road, suddenly the noise goes silent. The car stops, the escort opens the car door, at that moment the rain starts to erupt. I step out of the car releasing a tear as it can be disguised with the pouring rain. I raise my head to see a building appear in front of me. I was given a yellow umbrella for coverage, which I received as a present from my mother. She is no longer here. I amble towards the door when suddenly a strike of a unfortunate events happen to me, my yellow umbrella strays away from my hands and is swept away to the sky, I look away approaching the door with no happiness, just sadness.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

My Prayer In Colour - By Giselle

This term in Prayer we are learning about different ways to pray. Today we did a prayer in "colour" praying for all those who need us at this time.


Monday, 3 May 2021

My Value - By Giselle

                                 My Value

Today we discussed our values. We had to dig deep and think hard about what really counts. I chose  "home" as something I value because my home is the place where I have celebrations, where I eat, where I sleep and where my family is beside me. We created our value in clay so we could think about values more and what it means to us personally.