
Friday, 26 May 2017

Whales- by Giselle

Learning Intention: W.A.L.T write a report 
Success Criteria :I am successful when I can write a report about whales.

Whales are mammals. They live in water. 
 They are very big, and they look like  fish. The tail fins are called flukes, and help whales to move forward. Some whales have teeth and eat fish, squid,other whales and mammals.
Some whales don't have teeth. Some whales are blue or grey. 

Image result for whalesWhales live in oceans. They can survive in both warm and cold water.You can find them in New Zealand.
The biggest whale is the blue whale.Whales breath air into their lungs. 

Whales are enormous.

1 comment:

  1. I went to Kaikoura before the earthquake and saw some whales.

    I thought they were magnificent creatures.

