
Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Gods Creation-by Giselle

Learning Intention: W.A.L.T - recognise what  God has created is tapu  because  God is Holy.                                                                  Success Criteria: I  know I  am Successful When I can demonstrate love  and respect  for tapu of  the  whenua .                                                                                                                                                   We look after the sea by not throwing rubbish. River and sea gave us water to drink, food and a place to swim . We take our  rubbish home and put it in the bin.                                                              We pick up all rubbish to make our surroundings clean.    
We look after the trees. Trees gave us food, shelter, clothing and many more.                                                                                                                                                                                                  We look after the animals. Animals gave us food, and clothing,Image result for trees photos

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